Why not make sure you are getting the most of the effort you put into working out? This article will walk you through the most common fitness mistakes that are holding you back.
1. Skipping Cardio OR Strength Training
Cardio exercises will keep your heart healthy, while strength training tones muscles and burns fat. Both are necessary for a proper workout regimen. But many people are simply too concerned with the specific results they want. Women want to lose belly fat so they solely do abdominal and cardio work. Men want to bulk up so they focus strictly on weight training. This is simply not a good strategy. Every workout should have a balance of cardio and strength training. While you may lean towards one, both aspects should be employed in your regimen.
2. Doing the Same Ole, Same Ole
If you are always doing the same routine and working out the same muscles, you will start seeing diminishing returns. When you repeat the same exercise, your body learns ways to do it more efficiently by expending less energy and burning fewer calories. Whether it’s jogging, weight lifting or yoga, be sure to mix it up every so often. By that we don’t just mean added reps, distance or time. Pick up a new routine. It may be tough at first, and you should be sore afterwards, but it truly is the best for getting results.
3. Expecting Results Immediately
This is especially true for new exercisers. Like anything worth doing, getting in great shape is no small task. You won’t come back from the gym looking 5 years younger. This probably won’t happen after a month at the gym either. What you need to focus on is long-term work that will give you long-term results. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t start seeing results instantly. Keep in mind that the change will be gradual, so other people may be noticing the change before you do.
4. Doing the Gym Slouch
When working out, it’s so important to have good posture. Whether you’re on the elliptical cross trainer or the treadmill, be sure you aren’t slouching or gripping the handlebars for dear life. Make sure you're spine is straight.
5. Over-Doing It
As the old saying goes, everything is good in moderation. By doing too long or intense of a workout, you run the risk of burning out or hurting yourself. In both of these situations, you’ll be away from the gym for a while. So don’t put yourself in that situation. Gradually add intensity and take some time for your body to recover after a tough workout.
About the Author: Fitness Equipment Etc. features New England’s largest showroom of commercial & home gym exercise equipment. The showroom and online store feature some of the industry’s best home gyms, commercial treadmills and more!